College Series Registration Guidelines
- Conference Sign Up Deadline
- Registrar Verified Rosters
- Graduated Students
- Roster Additions
- Player Minimums
- Registration Clarifications and Exceptions
- Registrar Certification Clarifications and Exceptions
- Team Communication Expectations
- Player Info
College Series Competition Guidelines
- Conference Championships
- Regional Championships
- College Championships
- Name/Logo/Uniform Guidelines
- Player Uniform Requirements
- Coach Attire Requirements
- Formats
- Seeding
- Forfeit Rule
- Rules
- Observers
- Gender Division Eligibility
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues into 2021, USA Ultimate activities and programs for the year will be evaluated and planned with the health and safety of our members and the broader community as the top priority. In collaboration with its Medical Advisory Working Group, along with guidance from other medical experts, public health officials and sports organizations, USA Ultimate will work during 2021 to provide opportunities for safe and healthy ultimate and ultimate-related activities that are in line with its Return to Play Guidelines and all applicable state and local health and safety regulations.
Guidelines for programs and events will be developed and published with the goal of clear communication and transparency, as well as an understanding of the need to plan far enough ahead to create viable opportunities while remaining flexible to allow for necessary adjustments to the structure and/or timing of activities. USA Ultimate’s goal is to offer safe opportunities to play that continue to build on the high-quality events and programs the community has come to expect, and to tailor these programs to fit the evolving health and safety situation over the course of the year.
USA Ultimate 2021 College Series Guidelines
The 2021 College Series will run from October 9 through December 20, 2021.
- Conference Championships – October 9-10, October 16-17, October 23-24 or October 30-31.
- Regional Championships – November 6-7, November 13-14 or November 20-21
- College Championships – December 17-20
Registration Guidelines
I. Conference Sign Up Deadline – September 24, 2021
- Sign up by registering your team for your conference championship on the USA Ultimate website. THIS IS NOT THE ROSTER DEADLINE.
- Only teams who have registered online for their conference championship by the Conference Sign Up Deadline will be allowed to participate.
II. Registrar Verified Rosters
- Roster Deadline – 5pm MT, Wednesday, September 29, 2021
- A valid roster consists of at least 10 players.
- Teams must use the online roster system to add players, submit the roster and generate the roster materials (PDF) to be printed out and taken to their schools’ registrar.
- Please list eligible graduated students on the registrar-verified roster. Your registrar has received instructions to officially verify graduated students.
- D-III teams will be required to decide their path through the Series upon submitting their Series roster. This is accomplished by
- including their route choice with their roster materials, OR
- emailing the Manager of Competition and National Team Programs – College (, AND emailing their appropriate conference coordinator.
- Once an election has been made, it is considered final and cannot be changed.
- Registrar Verified Roster Submission – Teams are responsible for ensuring that these materials are processed and emailed to by the Roster Deadline.
It may take your registrar several weeks to process these materials, turn them in as early as possible.- Rosters, with the cover page and signed instructions must be emailed to
- The roster may ONLY be sent by a school official. Verified rosters emailed by student athletes will not be accepted.
- If your school club sports department, student organization administrator or staff liaison will not send information to USA Ultimate, please contact ASAP.
- Rosters not emailed by school staff will be required to be mailed to USA Ultimate.
- Teams may not be allowed to participate in the series if their roster materials do not arrive at USA Ultimate by the Roster Deadline. If your roster can not be received at USA Ultimate HQ by the 5pm MT, September 29 deadline, you must contact the College Manager at
- Rosters, with the cover page and signed instructions must be emailed to
III. Graduated Students – The series eligibility rules specifically allow for students who graduated at any time between April 2020 and August 31, 2021 to participate in the 2021 College Series.
- There is a separate process, outlined below, to confirm and verify these athletes.
- ALL TEAM MANAGERS must fill out THIS FORM by the Roster Deadline (5PM MT, Wednesday September 29, 2021).
- Even if your team does not have any Graduated Students, this form must be completed.
- If playing with graduated students, collect your club sports’ or student organizations’ contact information as you will be asked to provide it to USAU.
- For each athlete listed on the above form, in one aggregated email, please email proof of graduation date and degree received from your school.
- The email subject line must be formatted as follows: Graduated Students <Name of School> <Gender Division>.
- Ex: Graduated Students Pittsburgh Men
- Ex: Graduated Students Emory Women
- Examples of proof of graduation include:
- Diploma with graduation date
- Unofficial or Official Transcripts
- The email subject line must be formatted as follows: Graduated Students <Name of School> <Gender Division>.
- ALL TEAM MANAGERS must fill out THIS FORM by the Roster Deadline (5PM MT, Wednesday September 29, 2021).
IV. Roster Additions
- After the Roster Deadline, roster additions are only permitted if approved by USA Ultimate. Please contact for additional information.
- Roster additions will only apply to individual players who were added to an event roster prior to a conference championship, but after a registrar verified roster has been submitted. No other types of roster additions will be considered.
V. Player Minimums
- USAU College Series events set specific player minimum requirements for both registration and competition as defined below:
- Registration Minimums – Set to determine whether a team can officially register for an event. For Series events: 10 players.
- Competition Minimums – Set to determine whether a team can continue to compete safely at an event. For Series events: seven players to start, five to continue playing. Fewer than five is a forfeit.
- Contact the event organizer or USAU headquarters to determine any requirements beyond these minimums.
VI. Registration Clarifications and Exceptions
- Rostered Participation – An athlete may only be on one roster. A team must set their roster prior to conferences. The conference championship roster is the final roster for the entire College Series. If an athlete is potentially participating in regionals or the College Championships, but is unavailable during the conference championships, they MUST still appear on the conference championship roster.
- X/Y Teams / Split Squads / Dev Teams – All teams from a school are allowed to participate in the same division. Schools may divide their teams however they see fit. There is no developmental specific division in the 2021 College Series.
- Canadian Teams – Canadian schools must also have their players’ eligibility approved via Ultimate Canada in accordance with the college eligibility rules (II.B.) Schools must provide official Ultimate Canada Start Dates to USA Ultimate Headquarters ( Please contact USA Ultimate Headquarters for further instructions.
VII. Registrar Certification Clarifications and Exceptions
- With the exception of the cover page, all roster pages and the registrar instruction form must be signed and certified by your school registrar.
- Individual Certifications – only if your school issues individual student certifications instead of certifying the entire roster:
- Teams are responsible for making sure each individual certification includes hours enrolled and the correct degree program.
- For schools on the quarter-system, only verification of enrollment in the fall quarter is needed.
- Teams are responsible for making sure an individual certification is included for each player on their online roster.
- Teams must include a copy of their uncertified roster, PDF-generated via online rostering.
- Due to the longer processing time for these materials, such teams are encouraged to register as early as possible.
- Notwithstanding #1 in the Registrar Verified Roster Submission sub-section above, individual roster certifications can be emailed to USA Ultimate. They should be sent to with the subject line formatted as follows: Individual Certification <School Name> <Gender Division>
- Ex: Individual Certifications Stanford Women
VIII. Team Communication Expectations
- All teams should contact their Coordinator at least one month prior to their conference championship to confirm with the coordinator that they intend to participate (or any other deadline as set and communicated to the teams by the coordinator). Click here for coordinator contact info.
IX. Player Info
- All players participating on a team for any and all Series events must be listed on the team roster. The ramifications for having a player not on a team’s roster participate in the Series with that team are outlined in the section, “Violations and Sanctions.”
- All players listed on the roster must be current USA Ultimate members in good standing. Players who are not current members must login to their accounts and purchase a membership and sign the individual waiver form prior to being rostered for their conference championship. Non-members who do not register by the deadline for their conference championship will be ineligible to play in the remainder of the Series. The ramifications for having a non-member participate in the Series with a team are outlined in the section, “Violations and Sanctions.”
- All players on the team must meet the player requirements AND the team must meet the team requirements of the USA Ultimate College Eligibility Rules throughout the entire College Series.
- Eligibility status will be checked by USA Ultimate through the rostering process, in conjunction with information from school Registrar offices, and using information from USA Ultimate player and team records.
- USA Ultimate reserves the right to use additional relevant information, should it become available, in a fair and consistent manner to ensure player and team eligibility standards are met throughout the Series.
- Player eligibility status may be re-checked at any point prior to, during or following the Series. Rosters will be randomly re-verified with school Registrar offices following each stage of the Series (conference championships, regionals, College Championships).
- Each player must fill out (completely and correctly) the appropriate USA Ultimate waiver form for the year in which they will be competing. This form is good for the entire calendar year of USA Ultimate membership. Waivers can be signed via the player’s online membership account.
- Failure to abide by any of the above rules may result in ramifications outlined in the section, “Violations and Sanctions.”
- Minors participating in the Series must have the appropriate forms completed prior to participation (waiver, medical release) and meet the chaperone requirements. The medical release form is the responsibility of the chaperone; it must be brought to each Series event and kept on hand by the chaperone. This form will allow medical personnel to treat an injured minor without a parent/guardian having to be present. (Without this form a doctor might not treat an injured minor.)
Competition Guidelines
I. Conference Championships
- Conference Participation – Any team may participate in the Conference Championships provided they have met the team and player requirements for participation.
- Conference Assignment – Teams will be placed into one of two types of conferences: D-I conference or D-III conference. The 2021 College Series will not have any developmental conferences.
- School size – In order to be eligible for a D-III conference, a team must be from a school that has a total enrollment of less than 7500 students (undergraduate and graduate combined) based upon the current National Center for Education Statistics enrollment data.
- In regions without D-III conferences, the D-III teams in that region will be placed into the appropriate D-I conference. D-III teams in this situation may participate in their respective D-I conference championship event.
- D-III conference schools that have qualified for the D-I College Championships in any of the prior four years will be placed into a D-I conference by default and thus, in regions where there are D-III conferences, will not be eligible for the D-III postseason. Those schools may apply by September 15, 2021 to stay in a D-III conference if that is their preference.
Notwithstanding section 2 above, a D-III school can choose to participate at their D-I conference championship event if they have participated at their D-I regional championship in 2019, 2018 and 2017. To apply to be placed into a D-I conference, as school must apply before the beginning of the college regular season. To apply, email your request to USA Ultimate Headquarters (
- Conference Size
- Conferences are targeted to be at least four teams. If a D-III region has fewer than four teams, a conference championship event will still be required, even if there are only two teams. If there is only one D-III team in a region, they will have the option to play in a D-I conference championship, but automatically advance to the D-III College Championships.
- If fewer than four teams in a conference register for the series in a given year, those teams may be migrated to another conference for that year’s series at the discretion of USA Ultimate.
- Alternate Deadlines – For the purposes of tournament logistics, USA Ultimate Coordinators and/or Tournament Directors may impose a deadline by which teams must decide whether they will attend the tournament. This deadline may be associated with submission of a tournament entry fee, as determined by the coordinator.
- Tournament Directors may keep entry fees from teams that pull out of the tournament beyond a certain date, provided that date (it cannot be before the USA Ultimate registration deadline, for instance) and the fee are reasonable, were approved by the event’s USA Ultimate coordinator and were communicated by the TD or coordinator to the teams ahead of time (coordinators are to put the approved deadline on the event’s page on the USA Ultimate tournament page).
- Any deadline imposed by a coordinator or tournament director that would restrict access to the tournament for teams that would otherwise be considered eligible must be announced well in advance and must be approved by the National Director.
II. Regional Championships
- Regional Event Scaling
- The size of regional events (D-I, D-III, Developmental) will be based on the total teams signed up as the of the Sign Up Deadline for a region (i.e. the number of teams registered online for their conference championship event by September 24, 2021).
- 8-team regionals = <18 teams
- 10-team regionals = 18-23 teams
- 16-team regionals (or less if the event cannot be filled) = 24 or more teams
- The size of regional events (D-I, D-III, Developmental) will be based on the total teams signed up as the of the Sign Up Deadline for a region (i.e. the number of teams registered online for their conference championship event by September 24, 2021).
- Division I Regionals – Bids will be allocated to conferences as outlined below:
- Size bids – Bids will be allocated to conferences based on the number of teams in each conference that meet the Conference Sign Up deadline and the Roster Deadline (each conference’s “Official Team Count”). Bids to regionals will be based on the following formula:
- a + b. . . = N
- Conference A gets (a/N) x R bids to regionals
- N = total number of teams in the region that meet the Conference Sign Up Deadline and the Roster Deadline
- R = total number of spots in regionals
- a = number of teams that meet the Team Sign Up Deadline and the Roster Deadline in Conference A
- b = number of teams that meet the Team Sign Up Deadline and the Roster Deadline for Conference B (and so on)
- Automatic Bid and Tie Breakers – Each conference (unless there is team migration) must receive at least one bid.
- If application of the formula results in a conference being allocated zero bids to regionals, and there are unallocated bids, one unallocated bid will be awarded to each conference with zero bids.
- If application of the formula results in a conference being allocated zero bids to regionals and all bids have been allocated, then one bid will be taken from the conference with the most bids and awarded to the conference with no bid.
- If each conference has at least one bid, and fewer than R bids have been allocated, the decimal remainder from the formula results for each conference will be compared. The remaining bids will be awarded to conferences (one each), in order from highest to lowest remainder. (For example: a conference with a decimal remainder of .82 will be awarded a bid before a conference with a remainder of .67).
- If there is a tie for the final bid to regionals, the number of players on the tied conferences’ Roster Deadline rosters will be used to determine the final bid.
- If there is still a tie, the number of teams participating at the conference championship will determine the final bid.
- If there is still a tie, a disc will be flipped (or Roshambo if preferred).
- Division III Pathway to Division I Regionals
- Prior to participation in a D-III conference championship, all D-III teams must elect which pathway they will take to either D-I regionals or D-III regionals. This election must be made on the registrar-verified roster that was submitted by the team when registering for the College Series. Teams that elect a certain pathway cannot change pathways after their election has been made. Therefore, if a team elects the D-I pathway but does not perform well enough at their D-III conference championship to earn a bid to D-I regionals, they cannot then opt for D-III regionals.
- Teams that elect the D-I pathway who do not perform well enough at their conference championship to earn a bid to D-I regionals still have the opportunity to improve their position for a waitlist bid based on their overall performance at their conference championship event.
- Size bids – Bids will be allocated to conferences based on the number of teams in each conference that meet the Conference Sign Up deadline and the Roster Deadline (each conference’s “Official Team Count”). Bids to regionals will be based on the following formula:
- Division III Regionals – Bids will be allocated to conferences as outlined below:
- D-III regionals will occur in regions with more than one D-III conference. Regions with one D-III conference will have that conference championship serve as the D-III regional event (for the purposes of D-III nationals qualification).
- Regional bids – D-III regional bids will be allocated in the same manner as D-I regional bids, using the D-III subset of teams.
- D-III teams that opt for the D-I regionals pathway are no longer eligible to participate in D-III regionals. If a team that elects the D-I regionals pathway does not place high enough to qualify for D-I regionals, they are not eligible to qualify for D-III regionals either.
- Unaccepted bids
- If a team forfeits its bid to regionals, the bid will be offered to the next highest finishing (eligible) team from the forfeiting team’s conference. This procedure will be followed until the bid is awarded.
- If no teams in that conference accept the bid, this process will be repeated starting with the conference next in line to receive a bid according to the allocation formula.
- If a team drops out less than one week prior to the tournament, the Regional Director may accelerate the above process by shortening response times and immediately contacting all potential replacement teams.
- If the spot has not been filled three days prior to the tournament, the Regional Director may award the bid at his/her discretion with the approval of the National Division Director.
- Attendance Deadlines – For the purposes of tournament logistics, Regional Directors and Tournament Directors may impose a deadline by which teams must decide whether they will attend the tournament. This deadline may be associated with submission of a tournament entry fee, as determined by the coordinator.
- Tournament Directors may keep entry fees from teams that pull out of the tournament beyond a certain date, provided that date (it cannot be before the USA Ultimate registration deadline, for instance) and the fee are reasonable, were approved by the event’s USA Ultimate coordinator and were communicated by the TD or coordinator to the teams ahead of time (coordinators are to put the approved deadline on the event’s Score Reporting Tool page).
- Any deadline imposed by a coordinator or tournament director that would restrict access to the tournament for teams that would otherwise be considered eligible must be announced well in advance and must be approved by the National Director.
III. College Championships – There will be 20 bids available to each D-I division (men’s and women’s) and 16 bids available to each D-III division (men’s and women’s). Bids will be allocated to each region as outlined below.
- D-I College Championships
- Automatic Bids – Each region will receive one automatic bid to the D-I College Championships.
- Size Bids – Six bids will be allocated to six largest regions based on the Official Team Count.
- If there is a tie for the final size bid, the number of players on the tied conferences’ will be used to determine the final bid.
- If there is still a tie, the number of teams participating at the conference championship will determine the final bid.
- If there is still a tie, a disc will be flipped.
- Strength Bids – The remaining four bids will be allocated as strength bids. Strength bids will be based on a weighted average of the historical bid allocation for the 2017, 2018, and 2019 seasons. The four regions with largest weighted averages will each receive one strength bid to the D-I College Championships.
- The weight of each year will be set as follows:
- 2019: .5
- 2018: .35
- 2017: .15
- Final D-I Strength Bids
- The weight of each year will be set as follows:
- Unaccepted Bids – In the event a bid is declined by a team, that bid will be awarded to the next region on the Strength Bid Waitlist, unless the declined bid is an automatic bid, in which case it will remain in the region. Should a team be disqualified from accepting a bid, the vacated bid will stay in region and be awarded to the next highest finisher at that regional championship event.
- D-III College Championships – The D-III College Championships will take place alongside the D-I College Championships over the course of the four-day event. Teams will not be permitted to compete in both events.
- Automatic bids – One automatic bid to the D-III College Championships will be awarded to each region.
- Size Bids – Six bids will be allocated to the six largest regions based on the Official Team Count.
- Unaccepted Bids – In the event a bid is declined by a team, that bid will be awarded to the next region on the Size Bid Waitlist, unless the declined bid is an automatic bid, in which case it will remain in the region. Should a team be disqualified from accepting a bid, the vacated bid will stay in region and be awarded to the next highest finisher at that regional championship event.
- Final 2021 College Championships Bid Allocation (D-I & D-III) *Updated 11/1/21
IV. Name/Logo/Uniform Guidelines
- USA Ultimate reserves the right to alter – or require a team to alter – a team name, player or coach nickname, team logo, jersey graphic or uniform, and/or suggest alternatives – at or in conjunction with a USA Ultimate program or event – should USA Ultimate personnel determine that the existing name, logo, graphic or uniform might hinder the mission of the organization or the goals of a specific USA Ultimate program or event.
- This includes, but is not limited to, sexual references, profanity, drug references and any discriminatory language or graphics. Alterations must meet with the approval of USA Ultimate personnel.
V. Player Uniform Requirements
- All Series Events – Names, logos and graphics on jerseys must comply with the Name/Logo/Uniform Guidelines above.
- Conference Championships – Teams and players are encouraged to follow the uniform requirements for the College Championships.
- Regional Championships – Teams participating in the finals of regionals are required to have players on their team wear the same color jersey while playing. Teams and players are encouraged to follow the uniform requirements for the College Championships.
- College Championships
- All players participating in the USA Ultimate College Championship tournaments (both D-I and D-III) for a given team must wear jerseys of identical color and design.
- Teams must have two jerseys of distinctly different color, one predominantly white and one predominantly dark. A jersey that is not white does not automatically qualify as a dark. Any color that may be described as light does not qualify as a dark jersey (e.g. yellow, pink, light blue, etc.).
- Jerseys must have numbers on the back and front of the jersey. The numbers on the back must be at least six inches high, be one or two digit Arabic numerals, be solid and in clear contrast with the jersey. Numbers on the front of the jersey must be at least four inches high, be located above the waist and clearly visible if tucked in. The front of the jersey is anything on the chest or abdomen; numbers on the front of sleeves do not fulfill this requirement. No two players on a given team may use the same number or numbers with the same value (e.g. 00 and 0, 01 and 1, etc.).
- Uniform bottoms (shorts, pants, skirts) worn by players on the field must be of identical color and design. Teams are not required to have numbers on their uniform bottoms, however if teams do opt to include numbers, they must be on the front left or right leg of their uniform bottoms (shorts, pants, skirts), although teams may opt to do both. The placement must be the same for the whole team. The numbers must be at least two inches high, match the number on the back of their jersey and be in visible contrast with the background material.
- Uniform accessories including tights, undershirts, compression sleeves and hats must be either solid black or coordinated with one team uniform color. Socks that are mid-calf or lower must be black, white or coordinating with one team color. Socks that sit above mid-calf must abide by the tights requirement.
- For broadcast games, USA Ultimate reserves the right to increase requirements to comply with broadcast partner standards and requirements. In light of this potential, it is recommended that teams and players prepare for the possibility of additional requirements, such as matching hats, socks and under-layers.
- USA Ultimate reserves the right to disqualify and/or fine players who fail to meet the uniform requirements.
- Examples of uniform style designs to avoid:

- Examples of acceptable uniform style designs:

VI. Coach Attire Requirements
- All coaches participating in the USA Ultimate College Championships (both D-I and D-III) must wear either a uniform of identical color and design as the team, or professional coaching attire as defined below while at the competition site and/or while engaged in any activity associated with the team or event.
- Professional coaching attire is defined as any combination of the following:
- The team jersey, or a sleeved shirt/polo matching the team uniform colors (and/or university, if the team uses the university colors for their uniforms).
- Team shorts/skirt or hemmed slacks/shorts/skirt of an appropriate solid color.
- Business casual attire.
- Closed toe shoes such as cleats, flats or athletic shoes. Flip flops, open toed sandals and bare feet are not considered professional coaching attire.
- Coach jerseys and shorts are not subject to the number requirements for players.
- Names, logos and graphics on jerseys must comply with the Name/Logo/Uniform Guidelines above.
- All uniform accessories, including but not limited to, tights, undershirts, hats and socks, must be of identical style and color. It is recommended that uniform accessories are also coordinated with the uniform bottoms and jerseys.
- USA Ultimate reserves the right to remove from the sideline and/or fine coaches who fail to meet the uniform requirements.
- These requirements do not apply to Conference Championships or Regional Championships.
VII. Formats
- Tournament formats for the Conference Championships and Regional Championships will be determined by coordinators using USA Ultimate guidelines in the USA Ultimate Formats Manual for the Championship Series. Contact your Coordinator for information.
VIII. Seeding
- Seeding for the Conference Championships and Regional Championships will be done by the coordinator using the following information: input solicited from all the captains of participating teams, results of the last College Series and other applicable information (e.g. team composition, conditions, team history). The coordinator has the authority to adjust seeding according to the best information available.
- Seeding for regionals will additionally be held to the following guideline: No team that finishes ahead of another team at their conference championship may be seeded behind that team at regionals.
- The D-I and D-III College Championships will be seeded based on a geographically constrained random draw.
- Seeding for the College Championships will additionally be held to the following guideline: No team that finishes ahead of another team at regionals may be seeded behind that team at the College Championships.
- Seeding for Conference Championships must be pre-approved by the appropriate Regional Director. If the Coordinator and Regional Director are affiliated (player, coach, alum, etc.) with the same team, seedings must be approved by the National College Director.
- Seeding for Regional Championships must be pre-approved by the National College Director. (If the Regional Director and National College Director are affiliated (player, coach, alum, etc.) with the same team, seedings must be approved by the college division manager.)
- Seeding for the College Championships must be pre-approved by the National College Director and approved by the college division manager.
IX. Forfeit Rule
- A team must play all of its games at a “qualifying” tournament in order to qualify for the next tournament in the Series.
- A team must start its first game in the Series with seven players and play each point with at least five players.
- A team that forfeits a Series game, and every player on that team’s roster, is disqualified for the remainder of the current Series.
- Any team that declines to finish a scheduled game or games, or attempts to decide a match by any manner other than playing ultimate on the field, will forfeit those games. Should both teams in a match choose not to play, then it will be considered a double forfeit.
- At the discretion of the event’s USAU coordinator, consideration may be given to situations that might warrant an exception being made, provided it does not affect the fairness or integrity of the competition.
- Consideration should be given if a team misses the first game of the first day because of travel problems.
- If one team is not ready to play at game-time, points may be assessed. Under these conditions, if the score of the game reaches 8-0, the team that has failed to signal readiness will technically forfeit the game.
- A team will be considered to have forfeited any game where the number of players that can safely participate falls below the minimum requirement set by the competition minimums above.
- The list of allowable forfeit scenarios is found in the formats manual.
X. Rules
- The USA Ultimate College Series will be played using the current edition of the USA Ultimate Official Rules of Ultimate. Any changes to these rules must be pre-approved by the National Division Director.
XI. Observers
- Only USA Ultimate Certified Observers are permitted to officiate at USA Ultimate Championship or Championship Series Events. If officials are used during the USA Ultimate College Series, their duties must be in line with those described in the USA Ultimate Observer Manual. Any changes to these duties must be pre-approved by the SOAR Committee.
XII. Gender Division Eligibility
- In their USA Ultimate membership account, every athlete should select the gender identity option that best aligns with their gender identity.
- Players who select the Non-Binary or Prefer to Self-Report gender identity option are eligible to compete in the division in which they feel most comfortable and safe, as per USA Ultimate’s Gender Inclusion Policy (approved 11.2020).
- Note: For those who select Prefer to Self-Report, there will be a fill-in option to provide any additional information regarding your gender identity.
- This information will not be shared, as it is for internal educational purposes only to help us better understand any nuance related to your gender identity and its connection to your experience playing ultimate.
Teams that are found to have violated the letter or spirit of these rules or whose behavior undermines the competition structure (e.g. misrepresenting the composition of a team at a specific event, misrepresenting the composition of a team over the course of the season, intentionally playing with ineligible players) will be subject to ramifications as outlined in “Violations and Sanctions.” Roster violations should be reported to the Manager of Competition and National Team Programs at
Violations and Sanctions
- Failure to abide by any of the College Guidelines may result in sanctions on individuals or teams by the College Working Group, or through the USA Ultimate conduct process. Such sanctions may be imposed on a team or individuals associated with a team deemed to be in violation of the guidelines, and may include, but are not limited to, suspension or disqualification from USA Ultimate competition.
- Because consistency in holding all participants to the same administrative and competitive standards is vital to the integrity of the College Season, because many violations lead to unfair advantages in competition, and because it is often difficult to determine intent, guideline violations will result in serious repercussions. Such repercussions will provide an incentive for players and teams to understand the guidelines fully, follow the guidelines carefully and avoid intended or unintended violations in the future.