Take your game to the next level.
Even the best ultimate players in the world keep working to be better.
You can do the same.
Ultimate 201
There are many offensive strategies in ultimate, including the two most popular: vertical stack and horizontal stack.
Good defense is essential to winning games. Many parts make up a good defense, including a team’s ability to play both reliable person and zone defense.
Youth Ultimate

Youth Programs
The Girls’ Ultimate Movement (GUM) works to increase girls’ participation in ultimate, while encouraging leadership, fair play, equity and inclusiveness.
The Startup Project offers free equipment, memberships, jerseys and more to new girls’ high school teams, helping support continued growth of the girls’ division.
New Start Grant Kits provide all the materials you need to help get a team up and running.
Youth Contacts
Name | Position | Phone | |
Dan Raabe | Director – Youth Programs | dan@hq.usaultimate.org | (719) 219-8322 x116 |
Josh Murphy | Manager, Competition & National Team Programs | josh@hq.usaultimate.org | (719) 219-8322 |
Gervon Williams | Manager, EDI and Youth Engagement | gervon@hq.usaultimate.org | (719) 219-8322 |
Sam Callan | Manager, Youth and Education Programs | sam@hq.usaultimate.org | (719) 219-8322 x115 |
Amelia Cuarenta | Girls’ National Outreach Director | girlsoutreachdirector@usaultimate.org | |
Antonia Van Twisk | Regional Youth Director (Central) | ryd_central@usaultimate.org | |
Jack Kennedy | Regional Youth Director (Northeast) | ryd_northeast@usaultimate.org | |
Jamie Wolf | Regional Youth Director (South) | ryd_south@usaultimate.org | |
Joe Strong | Regional Youth Director (West) | ryd_west@usaultimate.org | |
Andrew Schwartz | Youth Eligibility Chair | youth_elig_chair@usaultimate.org |
Use this manual to learn some introductory ultimate skills and drills.
More skills and drills to learn some introductory ultimate skills and drills.
Learn some of ultimate’s most essential skills using these how-to cue cards.