Colorado Springs, Colo. (Nov. 24, 2020) – The first National Skills Challenge event wrapped up last weekend, with individuals and teams across a dozen divisions and more than a dozen different states participating in a variety of skills and winning some great prizes, including TOKAY cleats, Discraft UltraStars, Live Ultimate gear from VC Ultimate and free USA Ultimate memberships.
Check out the full results.
The 2020 National Skills Challenge was run this fall as a virtual event, due to health and safety regulations and in order to make it as accessible as possible. USA Ultimate is excited to have seen participants from elementary school up through great grand masters, novices players to National Team members, and from across many different areas of the ultimate community. We hope to increase participation numbers across all divisions in future events, while also expanding participation to more areas of the community.
The National Skills Challenge is part of the Skills Challenge program, which was developed during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic when normal ultimate activity and events were limited or shut down completely. Through the use of a module on the USA Ultimate app (iOS and Android), where individuals can track their history and post to a community leaderboard, the program offers a free, low-risk and accessible way for participants to stay active, develop their skills and even interact with others in the ultimate community at any time during the year.
The program was developed in part to offer an alternate activity during the pandemic, but the idea was initiated prior to 2020 with a broader vision, which USA Ultimate plans to continue to work towards in 2021 and beyond. Plans for the program include hosting in-person competitions at local and national events, providing an accessible outreach tool for organizers to connect with new youth communities and offering a fun and engaging way for coaches and players to develop athletes’ skills over time.
Once again, we would like to congratulate the 2020 National Skills Challenge winners and thank all of the participants in this year’s inaugural event. We look forward to future events and to seeing our community engaging in this fun new program throughout the year in the USA Ultimate app.