
Guidelines &

Roster Deadline

All registrar-verified team rosters must be received by USA Ultimate by 5:00 p.m. MT, Friday, February 28th.


Key Dates


Roster Deadline

February 28, 2025

All registrar-verified team rosters must be received by USA Ultimate before 5:00 p.m. MT, Friday, February 28.


Membership fees and waivers due

March 24, 2025

Membership dues and waivers are due to USA Ultimate by 5:00 p.m. MT, Monday, March 24.


Postseason Championship Series rosters locked

April 2, 2025

Team rosters for the postseason are set after 5:00 p.m. MT, Wednesday, April 2.

2025 College Guidelines

Everything you need to know about the 2025 college season

How to Register for the 2025 College Championship Series


Log in to your online "Team Manager" USA Ultimate account.

Visit to log in.


Create a team and add players to your roster.

Roll over your team. (Only create a new team if you are a new team.)


Add players to your USA Ultimate season roster.

Individuals may only be added to your roster if they have a USA Ultimate online account. *Players under the age of 18 may not be added to a roster without first adding a chaperone who has completed a background check. Minors must also have a parent or guardian sign the waiver and have a Medical Authorization Form on file. 


Print roster PDF and submit to your school's registrar for verification.

Under your team manager account, print the “Roster for Registrar” and follow the instructions.


Send your registrar-verified roster to USA Ultimate.

All registrar-verified rosters must be received by USA Ultimate no later than 5:00 p.m. MT, Friday, February 28.  The registrar or a school official may email the roster to Rosters sent by student-athletes will not be accepted.


Membership fees and waivers due.

All players must have current USA Ultimate memberships and waivers by 5:00 p.m. MT, Monday, March 24. USA Ultimate will copy teams’ season rosters to the conference events after this deadline.


Finalize your Postseason Championship Series roster.

The last day team managers can add or remove registrar-verified players is Wednesday, April 2.

2025 College Eligibility Guidelines

Questions about eligibility? Get all the details.

2025 Team Roster Status

As teams submit their registrar-verified roster for the 2025 College Series, we’ll use the roster log list below to indicate a team’s roster status.

Received = Roster received, but not yet processed.

Valid = Roster processed and all players on the roster granted academic eligibility online.

Pending = Roster processed, eligibility issue with one or more players; all eligible players granted academic eligibility online.


Team Arrival Date Status Region Conference Division
Air Force 2/26/2025 valid South Central South Central D-III D-III
Alabama Southeast Gulf Coast D-I D-I
Alabama-Birmingham 2/28/2025 valid Southeast Gulf Coast D-I D-I
Alabama-Huntsville 2/3/2025 valid Southeast Gulf Coast D-I D-I
American 2/28/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Colonial D-I D-I
American B 2/28/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Atlantic Coast Dev Dev
Amherst 2/17/2025 valid New England South New England D-III D-III
Appalachian State Atlantic Coast Carolina D-I D-I
Arizona Southwest Desert D-I D-I
Arizona B Southwest Southwest Dev Dev
Arizona State Southwest Desert D-I D-I
Arkansas 2/27/2025 valid South Central Ozarks D-I D-I
Auburn 2/19/2025 valid Southeast Gulf Coast D-I D-I
Bard Metro East Eastern Metro East D-III
Bates 2/26/2025 valid New England North New England D-III D-III
Baylor South Central Texas D-I D-I
Bentley New England Metro Boston D-III D-III
Berry 1/21/2025 valid Southeast Southeast D-III D-III
Boise State Northwest Big Sky D-I D-I
Boston College 2/19/2025 valid New England Metro Boston D-I D-I
Boston College B New England New England Dev Dev
Boston University 2/12/2025 valid New England Metro Boston D-I D-I
Boston University B New England New England Dev Dev
Bowdoin New England North New England D-III D-III
Brandeis 2/27/2025 pending New England Metro Boston D-III D-III
Brigham Young 2/27/2025 valid Northwest Big Sky D-I D-I
British Columbia 2/26/2025 valid Northwest Cascadia D-I D-I
British Columbia B 2/28/2025 valid Northwest Cascadia D-I D-I
Brown 2/3/2025 valid New England Greater New England D-I D-I
Brown B 2/24/2025 pending New England New England Dev Dev
Butler 2/18/2025 valid Great Lakes Great Lakes D-III D-III
Cal Poly-Humboldt Southwest NorCal D-I D-I
Cal Poly-SLO 2/21/2025 valid Southwest SoCal D-I D-I
Cal Poly-SLO B 2/21/2025 valid Southwest Southwest Dev Dev
Cal State-Long Beach 2/5/2025 pending Southwest SoCal D-I D-I
California 2/21/2025 valid Southwest NorCal D-I D-I
California B 2/28/2025 valid Southwest Southwest Dev Dev
California-Davis 2/27/2025 pending Southwest NorCal D-I D-I
California-Davis B 2/27/2025 pending Southwest Southwest Dev Dev
California-Irvine 1/29/2025 valid Southwest SoCal D-I D-I
California-San Diego 2/27/2025 valid Southwest SoCal D-I D-I
California-San Diego B 2/26/2025 valid Southwest Southwest Dev Dev
California-San Diego C 2/26/2025 valid Southwest Southwest Dev Dev
California-Santa Barbara 2/26/2025 valid Southwest SoCal D-I D-I
California-Santa Cruz 2/28/2025 valid Southwest NorCal D-I D-I
Carleton College C Nova 2/27/2025 valid North Central North Central D-III Dev
Carleton College-Eclipse 2/27/2025 valid North Central North Central D-III D-III
Carleton College-Syzygy 2/27/2025 valid North Central Western North Central D-I D-I
Carnegie Mellon 2/14/2025 valid Ohio Valley Pennsylvania D-I D-I
Carthage North Central Lake Superior D-III D-III
Case Western Reserve 2/3/2025 valid Ohio Valley Ohio D-I D-I
Catholic 2/4/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Atlantic Coast D-III D-III
Cedarville 2/4/2025 valid Ohio Valley Ohio D-III D-III
Central Florida 2/25/2025 valid Southeast Florida D-I D-I
Charleston Atlantic Coast Carolina D-I D-I
Chicago 3/3/2025 valid Great Lakes Illinois D-I D-I
Chico State Southwest NorCal D-I D-I
Cincinnati Ohio Valley Ohio D-I D-I
Claremont Southwest SoCal D-I D-III
Clark New England South New England D-III D-III
Clemson 2/20/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Carolina D-I D-I
Colby 2/26/2025 pending New England North New England D-III D-III
Colgate 2/26/2025 valid Metro East Western NY D-III D-III
College of New Jersey 2/26/2025 valid Metro East Eastern Metro East D-III D-III
Colorado 1/24/2025 pending South Central Rocky Mountain D-I D-I
Colorado B 2/28/2025 pending South Central Rocky Mountain D-I Dev
Colorado College 2/10/2025 valid South Central South Central D-III D-III
Colorado College B 2/10/2025 valid South Central South Central D-III D-III
Colorado Mines South Central South Central D-III D-III
Colorado State 2/19/2025 valid South Central Rocky Mountain D-I D-I
Columbia 2/10/2025 valid Metro East Eastern Metro East D-I D-I
Columbia B 2/12/2025 valid Metro East Eastern Metro East D-I Dev
Connecticut 2/4/2025 valid Metro East Eastern Metro East D-I D-I
Connecticut College 2/3/2025 valid Metro East Eastern Metro East D-III D-III
Cornell 2/6/2025 valid Metro East Western NY D-I D-I
Cornell B 2/13/2025 valid Metro East Western NY D-I Dev
Dallas South Central South Central D-III D-III
Dartmouth New England Greater New England D-III D-III
Davenport 2/3/2025 valid Great Lakes Great Lakes D-III D-III
Davidson 3/3/2025 pending Atlantic Coast Atlantic Coast D-III D-III
Dayton 2/20/2025 pending Ohio Valley Ohio D-I D-I
Delaware 2/19/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Colonial D-I D-I
Denver 1/23/2025 valid South Central Rocky Mountain D-I D-I
DePaul Great Lakes Illinois D-I D-I
Dickinson 2/17/2025 valid Ohio Valley Pennsylvania D-III D-III
Duke 2/24/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Carolina D-I D-I
East Carolina 2/12/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Carolina D-I D-I
Elon 2/21/2025 pending Atlantic Coast Atlantic Coast D-III D-III
Emory 2/27/2025 valid Southeast Southern Appalachian D-I D-I
Emory B 3/3/2025 valid Southeast Southern Appalachian D-I Dev
Florida 2/26/2025 valid Southeast Florida D-I D-I
Florida B 2/26/2025 valid Southeast Florida D-I Dev
Florida State 2/25/2025 valid Southeast Florida D-I D-I
Florida Tech Southeast Southeast D-III D-III
Franciscan Ohio Valley Ohio D-III D-III
Fresno State Southwest NorCal D-I D-I
George Mason 2/17/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Virginia D-I D-I
George Washington 2/20/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Colonial D-I D-I
George Washington B Atlantic Coast Atlantic Coast Dev Dev
Georgetown 1/29/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Colonial D-I D-I
Georgetown B 1/29/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Atlantic Coast Dev Dev
Georgia 2/25/2025 received Southeast Southern Appalachian D-I D-I
Georgia B 2/13/2025 valid Southeast Southern Appalachian D-I Dev
Georgia College 2/25/2025 valid Southeast Southeast D-III D-III
Georgia Southern Southeast Southern Appalachian D-I D-I
Georgia Tech 1/24/2025 valid Southeast Southern Appalachian D-I D-I
Georgia Tech B 1/24/2025 valid Southeast Southern Appalachian D-I D-I
Grand Canyon 2/27/2025 valid Southwest Desert D-I D-I
Grand Valley 2/28/2025 valid Great Lakes Eastern Great Lakes D-I D-I
Grinnell 2/19/2025 valid North Central North Central D-III D-III
Grove City 2/26/2025 valid Ohio Valley West Penn D-III D-III
Guelph Metro East Western NY D-I D-I
Hamilton Metro East Western NY D-III D-III
Hartford Metro East Eastern Metro East D-III D-III
Harvard 2/28/2025 valid New England Metro Boston D-I D-I
Haverford/Bryn Mawr 1/31/2025 valid Ohio Valley Pennsylvania D-III D-III
Houston South Central Texas D-I D-I
Idaho Northwest Big Sky D-I D-I
Illinois 2/25/2025 valid Great Lakes Illinois D-I D-I
Illinois-Chicago Great Lakes Illinois D-I D-I
Indiana 2/26/2025 valid Great Lakes Eastern Great Lakes D-I D-I
Indianapolis Great Lakes Great Lakes D-III D-III
Iowa 2/10/2025 valid North Central Western North Central D-I D-I
Iowa State 2/19/2025 valid North Central Western North Central D-I D-I
Ithaca 2/13/2025 valid Metro East Western NY D-III D-III
Jacksonville State 2/28/2025 valid Southeast Gulf Coast D-I D-I
James Madison Atlantic Coast Virginia D-I D-I
John Brown 2/26/2025 valid South Central South Central D-III D-III
Johns Hopkins Atlantic Coast Colonial D-I D-I
Kalamazoo Great Lakes Great Lakes D-III D-III
Kansas 2/27/2025 valid South Central Ozarks D-I D-I
Kentucky Great Lakes Eastern Great Lakes D-I D-I
Kenyon 2/19/2025 valid Ohio Valley Ohio D-III D-III
Kenyon B Ohio Valley Ohio D-III D-III
Knox 2/4/2025 valid Great Lakes Great Lakes D-III D-III
Lehigh 2/21/2025 valid Ohio Valley Pennsylvania D-III D-III
Lewis & Clark 2/27/2025 valid Northwest Northwest D-III D-III
Liberty 1/28/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Virginia D-I D-I
Louisville Great Lakes Eastern Great Lakes D-I D-I
Loyola-Chicago 2/25/2025 valid Great Lakes Illinois D-I D-I
LSU 2/13/2025 valid Southeast Gulf Coast D-I D-I
Luther North Central North Central D-III D-III
Macalester 2/6/2025 valid North Central North Central D-III D-III
Maine 2/7/2025 pending New England Greater New England D-I D-I
Marist Metro East Eastern Metro East D-III D-III
Marquette 2/24/2025 valid North Central Lake Superior D-I D-I
Mary Washington 2/17/2025 pending Atlantic Coast Atlantic Coast D-III D-III
Maryland 2/3/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Colonial D-I D-I
Maryland B 2/26/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Atlantic Coast Dev Dev
Maryland Baltimore County Atlantic Coast Colonial D-I D-I
Massachusetts 2/18/2025 valid New England Greater New England D-I D-I
Massachusetts B New England New England Dev Dev
McGill 2/28/2025 valid New England Greater New England D-I D-I
Messiah Ohio Valley Pennsylvania D-III D-III
Miami (Florida) 1/22/2025 valid Southeast Florida D-I D-I
Miami (Ohio) 2/25/2025 pending Ohio Valley Ohio D-I D-I
Michigan 2/13/2025 valid Great Lakes Eastern Great Lakes D-I D-I
Michigan B 1/31/2025 valid Great Lakes Great Lakes Dev Dev
Michigan State 2/17/2025 valid Great Lakes Eastern Great Lakes D-I D-I
Michigan Tech North Central North Central D-III D-III
Middlebury 2/17/2025 valid New England North New England D-III D-III
Minnesota 2/27/2025 valid North Central Western North Central D-I D-I
Minnesota B 2/27/2025 valid North Central Western North Central D-I D-I
Minnesota-Duluth 2/26/2025 valid North Central Western North Central D-I D-I
Mississippi State 2/20/2025 valid Southeast Gulf Coast D-I D-I
Missouri 2/24/2025 valid South Central Ozarks D-I D-I
Missouri State 1/28/2025 valid South Central Ozarks D-I D-I
MIT 2/27/2025 valid New England Metro Boston D-I D-I
MIT B New England New England Dev Dev
Montana Northwest Big Sky D-I D-I
Montana State 2/28/2025 valid Northwest Big Sky D-I D-I
Mount Holyoke 2/24/2025 valid New England South New England D-III D-III
Nebraska North Central Western North Central D-I D-I
Nevada-Reno Southwest NorCal D-I D-I
New Hampshire New England Greater New England D-I D-I
New Mexico Southwest Desert D-I D-I
North Carolina 2/7/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Carolina D-I D-I
North Carolina B 2/24/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Atlantic Coast Dev Dev
North Carolina State 1/21/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Carolina D-I D-I
North Carolina-Wilmington 2/21/2025 pending Atlantic Coast Carolina D-I D-I
North Park Great Lakes Great Lakes D-III D-III
North Texas South Central Texas D-I D-I
Northeastern 1/31/2025 valid New England Metro Boston D-I D-I
Northeastern B 2/13/2025 valid New England New England Dev Dev
Northern Arizona 2/28/2025 valid Southwest Desert D-I D-I
Northwestern 2/13/2025 valid Great Lakes Illinois D-I D-I
Northwestern B 2/26/2025 valid Great Lakes Great Lakes Dev Dev
Notre Dame 2/28/2025 valid Great Lakes Eastern Great Lakes D-I D-I
Notre Dame B 2/28/2025 valid Great Lakes Great Lakes Dev Dev
NYU Metro East Eastern Metro East D-I D-I
Oberlin 2/27/2025 valid Ohio Valley Ohio D-III D-III
Occidental 2/3/2025 valid Southwest SoCal D-I D-III
Ohio 2/20/2025 valid Ohio Valley Ohio D-I D-I
Ohio State Ohio Valley Ohio D-I D-I
Oklahoma South Central Ozarks D-I D-I
Oregon 1/23/2025 valid Northwest Cascadia D-I D-I
Oregon State 2/4/2025 valid Northwest Cascadia D-I D-I
Ottawa Metro East Western NY D-I D-I
Pacific Lutheran 2/6/2025 valid Northwest Northwest D-III D-III
Penn State 2/28/2025 valid Ohio Valley Pennsylvania D-I D-I
Pennsylvania Ohio Valley Pennsylvania D-I D-I
Pennsylvania B Ohio Valley Pennsylvania D-I Dev
Pittsburgh 1/28/2025 valid Ohio Valley Pennsylvania D-I D-I
Pittsburgh B Ohio Valley Pennsylvania D-I D-I
Portland 2/17/2025 valid Northwest Northwest D-III D-III
Portland B Northwest Northwest D-III Dev
Princeton Metro East Eastern Metro East D-I D-I
Puget Sound 2/26/2025 valid Northwest Northwest D-III D-III
Purdue 2/17/2025 valid Great Lakes Eastern Great Lakes D-I D-I
Purdue B 2/20/2025 valid Great Lakes Great Lakes Dev Dev
Rensselaer Polytech 2/20/2025 valid Metro East Eastern Metro East D-III D-III
Rhode Island 2/26/2025 valid New England Greater New England D-I D-I
Rice 2/21/2025 valid South Central South Central D-III D-III
Richmond 2/21/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Atlantic Coast D-III D-III
RIT Metro East Western NY D-I D-I
Rochester 2/27/2025 valid Metro East Western NY D-III D-III
Rowan 2/26/2025 valid Metro East Eastern Metro East D-I D-I
Rutgers 2/17/2025 pending Metro East Eastern Metro East D-I D-I
Saint Louis 2/14/2025 valid South Central Ozarks D-I D-I
Sam Houston 2/28/2025 pending South Central Texas D-I Dev
San Diego State 2/19/2025 valid Southwest SoCal D-I D-I
Santa Clara 2/24/2025 valid Southwest NorCal D-I D-I
Scranton Ohio Valley Pennsylvania D-III D-III
Seattle 2/20/2025 pending Northwest Northwest D-III D-III
Shippensburg Ohio Valley Pennsylvania D-III D-III
Skidmore 2/18/2025 valid Metro East Eastern Metro East D-III D-III
Smith 2/21/2025 valid New England South New England D-III D-III
South Carolina 2/21/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Carolina D-I D-I
South Carolina B 2/21/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Atlantic Coast Dev Dev
South Florida 2/28/2025 valid Southeast Florida D-I D-I
Southern California 2/14/2025 valid Southwest SoCal D-I D-I
Southern California B 3/3/2025 valid Southwest Southwest Dev Dev
St Benedict North Central North Central D-III D-III
St Thomas 2/28/2025 valid North Central North Central D-III D-III
St Olaf 2/13/2025 valid North Central North Central D-III D-III
St Olaf B 2/13/2025 valid North Central North Central D-III Dev
Stanford 2/26/2025 valid Southwest NorCal D-I D-I
Stanford B 2/27/2025 valid Southwest Southwest Dev Dev
Stonehill 2/6/2025 valid New England Metro Boston D-III D-III
SUNY-Albany Metro East Eastern Metro East D-I D-I
SUNY-Binghamton 2/18/2025 valid Metro East Western NY D-I D-I
SUNY-Buffalo 2/18/2025 pending Metro East Western NY D-I D-I
SUNY-Cortland 2/28/2025 valid Metro East Western NY D-III D-III
SUNY-Geneseo 2/13/2025 valid Metro East Western NY D-III D-III
SUNY-Stony Brook 2/27/2025 valid Metro East Eastern Metro East D-I D-I
Swarthmore 2/12/2025 valid Ohio Valley Pennsylvania D-III D-III
Syracuse 2/14/2025 pending Metro East Western NY D-I D-I
Temple Ohio Valley Pennsylvania D-I D-I
Temple B Ohio Valley Pennsylvania D-I D-I
Tennessee 3/3/2025 pending Southeast Southern Appalachian D-I D-I
Tennessee Chattanooga 2/17/2025 valid Southeast Southern Appalachian D-I D-I
Texas 2/18/2025 valid South Central Texas D-I D-I
Texas A&M 2/26/2025 valid South Central Texas D-I D-I
Texas B 2/18/2025 valid South Central Texas D-I Dev
Texas State South Central Texas D-I D-I
Texas-Dallas 2/26/2025 valid South Central North Texas D-I D-I
Texas-San Antonio 2/28/2025 pending South Central Texas D-I D-I
Towson 2/25/2025 pending Atlantic Coast Colonial D-I D-I
Trinity 1/27/2025 valid South Central South Central D-III D-III
Truman State 2/28/2025 valid South Central South Central D-III D-III
Tufts 2/25/2025 valid New England Metro Boston D-I D-I
Tufts B 2/27/2025 pending New England New England Dev Dev
Tulane 2/12/2025 valid Southeast Gulf Coast D-I D-I
UCLA 2/24/2025 valid Southwest SoCal D-I D-I
UCLA B 2/27/2025 valid Southwest Southwest Dev Dev
Union (Tennessee) 1/9/2025 valid Southeast Southeast D-III D-III
Utah 2/3/2025 valid Northwest Big Sky D-I D-I
Utah B 2/28/2025 valid Northwest Big Sky D-I D-I
Utah State Northwest Big Sky D-I D-I
Valparaiso Great Lakes Great Lakes D-III D-III
Vanderbilt 2/13/2025 valid Southeast Gulf Coast D-I D-I
Vassar 2/14/2025 valid Metro East Eastern Metro East D-III D-III
Vermont 1/24/2025 valid New England Greater New England D-I D-I
Vermont B 2/25/2025 valid New England New England Dev Dev
Vermont C 2/21/2025 valid New England New England Dev Dev
Victoria 2/14/2025 valid Northwest Cascadia D-I D-I
Virginia 1/28/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Virginia D-I D-I
Virginia B 2/10/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Atlantic Coast Dev Dev
Virginia Commonwealth 2/27/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Virginia D-I D-I
Virginia Tech 2/11/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Virginia D-I D-I
Wake Forest 2/14/2025 pending Atlantic Coast Carolina D-I D-I
Washington 1/29/2025 valid Northwest Cascadia D-I D-I
Washington B Northwest Cascadia D-I Dev
Washington University 2/17/2025 valid South Central Ozarks D-I D-I
Washington University B 2/26/2025 valid South Central Ozarks D-I Dev
Wellesley 2/21/2025 valid New England Metro Boston D-III D-III
Wellesley B New England New England Dev Dev
Wesleyan 2/20/2025 valid Metro East Eastern Metro East D-III D-III
West Chester 2/20/2025 valid Ohio Valley Pennsylvania D-I D-I
Western Washington 2/27/2025 pending Northwest Cascadia D-I D-I
Wheaton (Illinois) 2/26/2025 pending Great Lakes Great Lakes D-III D-III
Whitman 2/28/2025 valid Northwest Big Sky D-I D-I
William & Mary 2/14/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Virginia D-I D-I
William & Mary B 2/18/2025 pending Atlantic Coast Atlantic Coast Dev Dev
Williams 2/14/2025 valid New England South New England D-III D-III
Winona State 1/28/2025 valid North Central North Central D-III D-III
Wisconsin 1/9/2025 valid North Central Lake Superior D-I D-I
Wisconsin B 2/24/2025 pending North Central Lake Superior D-I Dev
Wisconsin-Eau Claire 2/20/2025 valid North Central Lake Superior D-I D-I
Wisconsin-La Crosse 2/7/2025 valid North Central Lake Superior D-I D-I
Wisconsin-Milwaukee 2/28/2025 pending North Central Lake Superior D-I D-I
Wisconsin-Oshkosh North Central Lake Superior D-I D-I
Wisconsin-Stevens Point 2/28/2025 pending North Central Lake Superior D-I D-I
Wooster Ohio Valley Ohio D-III D-III
Worcester Polytech New England South New England D-III D-III
Xavier Ohio Valley Ohio D-III D-III
Yale 2/18/2025 valid Metro East Eastern Metro East D-I D-I


Team Arrival Date Status Region Conference Division
Air Force South Central Rocky Mountain D-III D-III
Akron Ohio Valley Ohio D-I D-I
Alabama 2/25/2025 valid Southeast Gulf Coast D-I D-I
Alabama B 2/28/2025 valid Southeast Southeast Dev Dev
Alabama-Birmingham 2/26/2025 pending Southeast Gulf Coast D-I D-I
Alabama-Huntsville 1/30/2025 valid Southeast Gulf Coast D-I D-I
American 2/10/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Colonial D-I D-I
American B 2/28/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Colonial Dev Dev
Amherst 2/25/2025 valid New England South New England D-III D-III
Amherst B New England Greater New England Dev Dev
Angelo State 2/27/2025 pending South Central South Texas D-I D-I
Appalachian State 3/3/2025 pending Atlantic Coast Carolina D-I D-I
Arizona 2/20/2025 pending Southwest Desert D-I D-I
Arizona B Southwest Southwest Dev Dev
Arizona State 2/10/2025 valid Southwest Desert D-I D-I
Arizona State B 2/27/2025 valid Southwest Southwest Dev Dev
Arkansas 2/24/2025 valid South Central Ozarks D-I D-I
Arkansas State South Central Ozarks D-I D-I
Army Metro East Hudson Valley D-III D-III
Asbury 2/12/2025 valid Great Lakes East Plains D-III D-III
Auburn 2/28/2025 valid Southeast Gulf Coast D-I D-I
Ave Maria 2/27/2025 valid Southeast Eastern Southeast D-III D-III (D-I pathway)
Ave Maria B 2/27/2025 valid Southeast Eastern Southeast D-III D-III
Ball State 2/26/2025 valid Great Lakes East Plains D-I D-I
Bard Metro East Hudson Valley D-III D-III
Bates 2/26/2025 valid New England North New England D-III D-III
Baylor 2/26/2025 pending South Central North Texas D-I D-I
Bentley 2/27/2025 valid New England Metro Boston D-III D-III
Berklee New England Metro Boston D-III D-III
Berry 2/28/2025 valid Southeast Eastern Southeast D-III D-III
Bethel 2/28/2025 valid North Central Northwoods D-III D-III
Boise State 2/7/2025 valid Northwest Big Sky D-I D-I
Boston College 2/21/2025 valid New England Metro Boston D-I D-I
Boston University 2/8/2025 valid New England Metro Boston D-I D-I
Boston University B 2/13/2025 valid New England Metro Boston Dev Dev
Bowdoin 1/9/2025 valid New England North New England D-III D-III
Bradley Great Lakes Illinois D-III D-III
Brandeis 2/4/2025 valid New England Metro Boston D-III D-III
Brandeis B New England Metro Boston Dev Dev
Brigham Young Northwest Big Sky D-I D-I
Brigham Young B Northwest Big Sky D-I Dev
British Columbia 2/26/2025 valid Northwest Cascadia D-I D-I
Brown 2/13/2025 valid New England South New England D-I D-I
Brown B 2/28/2025 valid New England Greater New England Dev Dev
Brown C New England Greater New England Dev Dev
Bryant 2/26/2025 valid New England South New England D-III D-III
Butler 2/10/2025 valid Great Lakes East Plains D-III D-III
Butler B Great Lakes East Plains D-III D-III
Cal Poly-Humboldt 2/17/2025 pending Southwest NorCal D-I D-I
Cal Poly-Pomona Southwest SoCal D-I D-I
Cal Poly-SLO 1/28/2025 valid Southwest SoCal D-I D-I
Cal Poly-SLO B 2/21/2025 valid Southwest Southwest Dev Dev
Cal State-Long Beach 2/12/2025 valid Southwest SoCal D-I D-I
California 2/19/2025 valid Southwest NorCal D-I D-I
California B 2/27/2025 pending Southwest Southwest Dev Dev
California-Davis 2/6/2025 valid Southwest NorCal D-I D-I
California-Davis B Southwest Southwest Dev Dev
California-Irvine 2/28/2025 pending Southwest SoCal D-I D-I
California-San Diego 2/26/2025 valid Southwest SoCal D-I D-I
California-San Diego B 2/26/2025 valid Southwest Southwest Dev Dev
California-San Diego C 2/26/2025 valid Southwest Southwest Dev Dev
California-Santa Barbara 1/24/2025 valid Southwest SoCal D-I D-I
California-Santa Barbara B 2/26/2025 pending Southwest Southwest Dev Dev
California-Santa Cruz 1/23/2025 valid Southwest NorCal D-I D-I
California-Santa Cruz B 2/25/2025 valid Southwest Southwest Dev Dev
Caltech 2/28/2025 valid Southwest Southwest D-III D-III
Calvin Great Lakes Michigan D-III D-III
Carleton College C Karls 2/27/2025 valid North Central Northwoods D-III D-III
Carleton College-CHOP 2/27/2025 valid North Central Northwoods D-III D-III
Carleton College-CUT 2/27/2025 valid North Central Northwoods D-I D-I
Carleton University 2/28/2025 valid Metro East Western NY D-I D-I
Carnegie-Mellon 2/17/2025 valid Ohio Valley West Penn D-I D-I
Carnegie-Mellon B 2/20/2025 valid Ohio Valley Ohio Valley Dev Dev
Carthage 2/19/2025 valid North Central Lake Superior D-III D-III
Case Western Reserve 2/3/2025 valid Ohio Valley Ohio D-I D-I
Case Western Reserve B 2/3/2025 valid Ohio Valley Ohio Valley Dev Dev
Cedarville 2/11/2025 valid Ohio Valley Ohio D-III D-III
Central Connecticut State 2/20/2025 valid Metro East Hudson Valley D-I D-I
Central Connecticut State B Metro East Metro East Dev Dev
Central Florida 2/26/2025 pending Southeast Florida D-I D-I
Central Florida B 2/27/2025 valid Southeast Southeast Dev Dev
Central Michigan Great Lakes Michigan D-I D-I
Charleston Atlantic Coast Carolina D-I D-I
Chicago 2/19/2025 valid Great Lakes Illinois D-I D-I
Chicago B Great Lakes Great Lakes Dev Dev
Chico State 2/27/2025 pending Southwest NorCal D-I D-I
Christopher Newport 2/26/2025 pending Atlantic Coast Atlantic Coast D-III D-III
Cincinnati 2/27/2025 pending Ohio Valley Ohio D-I D-I
Cincinnati B 2/27/2025 pending Ohio Valley Ohio Valley Dev Dev
Claremont 2/28/2025 pending Southwest Southwest D-III D-III
Clark New England South New England D-III D-III
Clarkson Metro East Western NY D-III D-III
Clemson 2/28/2025 pending Atlantic Coast Carolina D-I D-I
Cleveland State Ohio Valley Ohio D-I D-I
Colby 2/27/2025 pending New England North New England D-III D-III
Colgate 2/20/2025 pending Metro East Western NY D-III D-III
College of New Jersey 2/26/2025 valid Metro East Metro NY D-III D-III
Colorado 2/13/2025 valid South Central Rocky Mountain D-I D-I
Colorado B 2/27/2025 valid South Central Rocky Mountain D-I D-I
Colorado C South Central Rocky Mountain D-III D-III
Colorado Christian South Central Rocky Mountain D-III D-III
Colorado College 2/3/2025 valid South Central Rocky Mountain D-III D-III
Colorado Mesa 2/27/2025 pending South Central Rocky Mountain D-I D-I
Colorado Mines 2/26/2025 valid South Central Rocky Mountain D-III D-III
Colorado Mines B 2/26/2025 valid South Central Rocky Mountain D-III Dev
Colorado State 2/27/2025 valid South Central Rocky Mountain D-I D-I
Colorado State B 2/27/2025 pending South Central Rocky Mountain D-I Dev
Columbia 2/24/2025 valid Metro East Metro NY D-I D-I
Concordia-Wisconsin 2/28/2025 valid North Central North Central D-III D-III
Connecticut 2/18/2025 valid Metro East Hudson Valley D-I D-I
Connecticut B 2/26/2025 valid Metro East Metro East Dev Dev
Connecticut College 2/19/2025 valid Metro East Hudson Valley D-III D-III
Cornell 2/10/2025 valid Metro East Western NY D-I D-I
Cornell B 2/18/2025 valid Metro East Metro East Dev Dev
Creighton 2/24/2025 valid North Central West Plains D-I D-I
Dallas 2/17/2025 valid South Central Texas D-III D-III
Dartmouth 2/27/2025 valid New England North New England D-III D-III (D-I pathway)
Dartmouth B 2/28/2025 pending New England North New England D-III Dev
Davenport Great Lakes Great Lakes D-III D-III
Davidson 2/7/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Atlantic Coast D-III D-III
Dayton Ohio Valley Ohio D-I D-I
Dayton B Ohio Valley Ohio Valley Dev Dev
Delaware 2/20/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Colonial D-I D-I
Delaware B 2/27/2025 pending Atlantic Coast Colonial Dev Dev
Denison 2/25/2025 valid Ohio Valley Ohio D-III D-III
Denver 2/4/2025 valid South Central Rocky Mountain D-I D-I
Denver B 2/4/2025 valid South Central Rocky Mountain D-I D-I
DePaul Great Lakes Illinois D-I D-I
Dickinson 2/17/2025 pending Ohio Valley West Penn D-III D-III
Drexel 2/25/2025 valid Ohio Valley East Penn D-I D-I
Duke 2/5/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Carolina D-I D-I
East Carolina 2/26/2025 pending Atlantic Coast Carolina D-I D-I
East Tennessee State 2/25/2025 valid Southeast Southern Appalachian D-I D-I
Eastern Michigan 2/21/2025 valid Great Lakes Michigan D-I D-I
Edinboro Ohio Valley West Penn D-I D-I
Elon 2/25/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Atlantic Coast D-III D-III
Embry-Riddle 3/3/2025 valid Southeast Eastern Southeast D-III D-III
Emory 2/10/2025 valid Southeast Southern Appalachian D-I D-I
Fairfield Metro East Hudson Valley D-III D-III
Florida 2/26/2025 valid Southeast Florida D-I D-I
Florida B 2/26/2025 valid Southeast Southeast Dev Dev
Florida Gulf Coast Southeast Florida D-I D-I
Florida Polytechnic Southeast Eastern Southeast D-III D-III
Florida State 2/28/2025 valid Southeast Florida D-I D-I
Florida State B Southeast Southeast Dev Dev
Florida Tech 2/25/2025 valid Southeast Eastern Southeast D-III D-III
Franciscan 2/17/2025 valid Ohio Valley Ohio D-III D-III
Fresno State Southwest NorCal D-I D-I
George Mason 2/17/2025 pending Atlantic Coast Virginia D-I D-I
George Washington 2/27/2025 pending Atlantic Coast Colonial D-I D-I
George Washington B 2/14/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Colonial Dev Dev
Georgetown 2/12/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Colonial D-I D-I
Georgetown B 2/27/2025 pending Atlantic Coast Colonial Dev Dev
Georgia 2/25/2025 received Southeast Southern Appalachian D-I D-I
Georgia B Southeast Southeast Dev Dev
Georgia College 2/28/2025 pending Southeast Eastern Southeast D-III D-III
Georgia Southern 3/3/2025 pending Southeast Southern Appalachian D-I D-I
Georgia State Southeast Southern Appalachian D-I D-I
Georgia Tech 1/28/2025 valid Southeast Southern Appalachian D-I D-I
Georgia Tech B Southeast Southeast Dev Dev
Gonzaga Northwest Big Sky D-I D-I
Grace 2/27/2025 valid Great Lakes East Plains D-III D-III
Grand Canyon 2/27/2025 valid Southwest Desert D-I D-I
Grand Canyon B 2/27/2025 valid Southwest Southwest Dev D-I
Grand Valley 2/26/2025 valid Great Lakes Michigan D-I D-I
Grinnell 2/13/2025 valid North Central West Plains D-III D-III
Grinnell B North Central West Plains D-III D-III
Grove City 2/26/2025 valid Ohio Valley West Penn D-III D-III
Hamilton Metro East Western NY D-III D-III
Harding 2/25/2025 valid South Central Ozarks D-III D-III
Hartford 3/3/2025 pending Metro East Hudson Valley D-III D-III
Harvard 2/28/2025 pending New England Metro Boston D-I D-I
Harvard B New England Metro Boston Dev Dev
Haverford 2/7/2025 pending Ohio Valley East Penn D-III D-III
High Point 2/25/2025 pending Atlantic Coast Atlantic Coast D-III D-III
Hillsdale 2/19/2025 valid Great Lakes Michigan D-III D-III
Hofstra 2/4/2025 valid Metro East Metro NY D-I D-I
Holy Cross 2/28/2025 valid New England South New England D-III D-III
Houston South Central South Texas D-I D-I
Idaho 2/19/2025 valid Northwest Big Sky D-I D-I
Illinois 2/27/2025 valid Great Lakes Illinois D-I D-I
Illinois B 2/27/2025 valid Great Lakes Great Lakes Dev Dev
Illinois C 2/27/2025 valid Great Lakes Great Lakes Dev Dev
Illinois-Chicago 2/20/2025 valid Great Lakes Illinois D-I D-I
Illinois State 3/3/2025 valid Great Lakes Illinois D-I D-I
Indiana 2/18/2025 valid Great Lakes East Plains D-I D-I
Indiana B 2/28/2025 valid Great Lakes Great Lakes Dev Dev
Indianapolis Great Lakes East Plains D-III D-III
Iowa 2/21/2025 valid North Central West Plains D-I D-I
Iowa B 2/21/2025 valid North Central North Central Dev Dev
Iowa State 2/19/2025 valid North Central West Plains D-I D-I
Iowa State B 2/27/2025 valid North Central North Central Dev Dev
Ithaca 2/10/2025 valid Metro East Western NY D-III D-III
Jacksonville State 2/28/2025 valid Southeast Gulf Coast D-I D-I
James Madison 2/2/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Virginia D-I D-I
James Madison B 2/28/2025 pending Atlantic Coast Southern Atlantic Coast Dev Dev
John Brown 2/27/2025 valid South Central Northern South Central D-III D-III
Johns Hopkins Atlantic Coast Colonial D-I D-I
Johns Hopkins B Atlantic Coast Colonial Dev Dev
Kalamazoo Great Lakes Michigan D-III D-III
Kansas 2/27/2025 pending South Central Ozarks D-I D-I
Kansas B South Central Ozarks D-I Dev
Kansas State 2/26/2025 valid South Central Ozarks D-I D-I
Kennesaw State 2/1/2025 valid Southeast Southern Appalachian D-I D-I
Kent State 2/24/2025 valid Ohio Valley Ohio D-I D-I
Kentucky 1/27/2025 valid Great Lakes East Plains D-I D-I
Kenyon Ohio Valley Ohio D-III D-III
Kettering Great Lakes Michigan D-III D-III
Knox 2/4/2025 valid Great Lakes Illinois D-III D-III
Lehigh Ohio Valley East Penn D-I D-I
Lehigh B Ohio Valley Ohio Valley Dev Dev
Lewis & Clark 2/27/2025 valid Northwest Northwest D-III D-III
Liberty 2/21/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Virginia D-I D-I
Louisville Great Lakes East Plains D-I D-I
Loyola Chicago 2/28/2025 valid Great Lakes Illinois D-I D-I
Loyola Marymount 2/27/2025 valid Southwest SoCal D-I D-I
LSU 2/27/2025 valid Southeast Gulf Coast D-I D-I
LSU B 2/27/2025 valid Southeast Southeast Dev Dev
Luther 2/28/2025 valid North Central West Plains D-III D-III
Macalester North Central Northwoods D-III D-III
Maine 2/27/2025 pending New England North New England D-I D-I
Maine-Farmington New England North New England D-III D-III
Manhattan 1/24/2025 valid Metro East Metro NY D-III D-III
Marist Metro East Hudson Valley D-III D-III
Marquette 2/4/2025 valid North Central Lake Superior D-I D-I
Marquette B 2/4/2025 valid North Central North Central Dev Dev
Mary Washington 2/19/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Atlantic Coast D-III D-III
Maryland Atlantic Coast Colonial D-I D-I
Maryland B 2/17/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Colonial Dev Dev
Maryland Baltimore County 2/7/2025 pending Atlantic Coast Colonial D-I D-I
Massachusetts 2/18/2025 valid New England Greater New England D-I D-I
Massachusetts B 2/18/2025 valid New England Greater New England Dev Dev
Massachusetts-Lowell New England Metro Boston D-I D-I
McGill 2/18/2025 valid New England North New England D-I D-I
Memphis Southeast Gulf Coast D-I D-I
Messiah 1/22/2025 valid Ohio Valley West Penn D-III D-III
Miami (Florida) 3/3/2025 pending Southeast Florida D-I D-I
Miami (Ohio) Ohio Valley Ohio D-I D-I
Michigan 2/24/2025 valid Great Lakes Michigan D-I D-I
Michigan B Great Lakes Great Lakes Dev Dev
Michigan State 2/21/2025 valid Great Lakes Michigan D-I D-I
Michigan State B 2/20/2025 valid Great Lakes Great Lakes Dev Dev
Michigan Tech 2/11/2025 valid North Central Lake Superior D-III D-III
Middlebury 2/6/2025 valid New England North New England D-III D-III
Middlebury B 2/24/2025 valid New England Greater New England Dev Dev
Milwaukee Engineering North Central Lake Superior D-III D-III
Minnesota 2/25/2025 valid North Central Northwoods D-I D-I
Minnesota B 2/25/2025 pending North Central North Central Dev Dev
Minnesota C 2/25/2025 pending North Central North Central Dev Dev
Minnesota State-Mankato 2/24/2025 valid North Central Northwoods D-I D-I
Minnesota-Duluth 2/25/2025 pending North Central Northwoods D-I D-I
Mississippi 2/27/2025 valid Southeast Gulf Coast D-I D-I
Mississippi College Southeast Southeast D-III D-III
Mississippi State 2/28/2026 valid Southeast Gulf Coast D-I D-I
Mississippi State B 2/28/2026 valid Southeast Southeast Dev Dev
Missouri South Central Ozarks D-I D-I
Missouri S&T 2/26/2025 valid South Central Northern South Central D-III D-III
Missouri State 2/28/2025 valid South Central Ozarks D-I D-I
MIT 2/27/2025 pending New England Metro Boston D-I D-I
MIT B 2/27/2025 pending New England Metro Boston Dev Dev
Montana Northwest Big Sky D-I D-I
Montana State 2/11/2025 valid Northwest Big Sky D-I D-I
Muhlenberg Ohio Valley East Penn D-III D-III
Navy 2/26/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Atlantic Coast D-III D-III
Nebraska 2/25/2025 valid North Central West Plains D-I D-I
Nevada-Reno 2/14/2025 valid Southwest NorCal D-I D-I
New Hampshire 2/26/2025 valid New England North New England D-I D-I
New Haven Metro East Hudson Valley D-III D-III
New Jersey Tech Metro East Metro NY D-I D-I
New Mexico Southwest Desert D-I D-I
New York Tech Metro East Metro NY D-III D-III
North Carolina 2/11/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Carolina D-I D-I
North Carolina B 2/28/2025 pending Atlantic Coast Southern Atlantic Coast Dev Dev
North Carolina Charlotte 1/24/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Carolina D-I D-I
North Carolina State 2/4/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Carolina D-I D-I
North Carolina State B 2/10/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Southern Atlantic Coast Dev Dev
North Carolina-Asheville 2/26/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Atlantic Coast D-III D-III
North Carolina-Wilmington 2/13/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Carolina D-I D-I
North Dakota State North Central Northwoods D-I D-I
North Florida Southeast Florida D-I D-I
North Georgia Southeast Eastern Southeast D-III D-III
North Park 2/25/2025 valid Great Lakes Illinois D-III D-III
North Texas 2/24/2025 valid South Central North Texas D-I D-I
Northeastern 1/9/2025 valid New England Metro Boston D-I D-I
Northeastern B New England Metro Boston Dev Dev
Northeastern C 2/12/2025 valid New England Metro Boston Dev Dev
Northern Arizona 2/26/2025 valid Southwest Desert D-I D-I
Northern Iowa 2/14/2025 valid North Central West Plains D-I D-I
Northern Michigan 2/7/2025 pending North Central Lake Superior D-I D-I
Northwestern 2/14/2025 valid Great Lakes Illinois D-I D-I
Northwestern B 2/14/2025 pending Great Lakes Great Lakes Dev Dev
Notre Dame 2/28/2025 valid Great Lakes East Plains D-I D-I
Notre Dame B 2/28/2025 pending Great Lakes Great Lakes Dev Dev
Nova Southeastern 2/27/2025 valid Southeast Florida D-I D-I
NYU Metro East Metro NY D-I D-I
Oberlin Ohio Valley Ohio D-III D-III
Oberlin B Ohio Valley Ohio Valley Dev Dev
Occidental 2/5/2025 valid Southwest Southwest D-III D-III
Ohio 2/27/2025 valid Ohio Valley Ohio D-I D-I
Ohio B Ohio Valley Ohio Valley Dev Dev
Ohio State 1/30/2025 valid Ohio Valley Ohio D-I D-I
Ohio State B Ohio Valley Ohio Valley Dev Dev
Oklahoma 2/28/2025 pending South Central Ozarks D-I D-I
Oklahoma Christian 2/19/2025 pending South Central Ozarks D-III D-III
Oklahoma State 2/25/2025 valid South Central Ozarks D-I D-I
Oregon 1/23/2025 valid Northwest Cascadia D-I D-I
Oregon B Northwest Cascadia D-I Dev
Oregon State Northwest Cascadia D-I D-I
Oregon State B Northwest Cascadia D-I Dev
Ottawa 2/28/2025 valid Metro East Western NY D-I D-I
Pacific Lutheran Northwest Northwest D-III D-III
Pacific Lutheran B Northwest Northwest D-III Dev
Penn State-Behrend 1/28/2025 pending Ohio Valley West Penn D-III D-III
Penn State 2/21/2025 valid Ohio Valley West Penn D-I D-I
Penn State B 2/28/2025 pending Ohio Valley Ohio Valley Dev Dev
Pennsylvania 2/27/2025 valid Ohio Valley East Penn D-I D-I
Pennsylvania B Ohio Valley Ohio Valley Dev Dev
Pittsburgh Ohio Valley West Penn D-I D-I
Pittsburgh B 2/25/2025 pending Ohio Valley Ohio Valley Dev Dev
Portland 2/27/2025 valid Northwest Northwest D-III D-III
Portland State 2/28/2025 valid Northwest Cascadia D-I D-I
Princeton 2/21/2025 valid Metro East Metro NY D-I D-I
Providence 2/26/2025 valid New England South New England D-III D-III
Puget Sound 2/27/2025 valid Northwest Northwest D-III D-III
Purdue 1/28/2025 valid Great Lakes East Plains D-I D-I
Purdue B 2/20/2025 pending Great Lakes Great Lakes Dev Dev
Purdue C Great Lakes Great Lakes Dev Dev
Radford Atlantic Coast Virginia D-I D-I
Reed 2/25/2025 valid Northwest Northwest D-III D-III
Rensselaer Polytech 2/24/2025 valid Metro East Hudson Valley D-III D-III
Rhode Island 2/26/2025 valid New England South New England D-I D-I
Rice South Central Texas D-III D-III
Richmond 2/21/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Atlantic Coast D-III D-III
Richmond B Atlantic Coast Atlantic Coast D-III D-III
RIT 2/24/2025 valid Metro East Western NY D-I D-I
RIT B 2/20/2025 valid Metro East Metro East Dev D-I
Robert Morris Ohio Valley West Penn D-Ill D-III
Rochester 2/27/2025 valid Metro East Western NY D-III D-III
Roger Williams 2/7/2025 valid New England South New England D-III D-III
Rose-Hulman 2/18/2025 valid Great Lakes East Plains D-III D-III
Rowan 2/26/2025 valid Metro East Metro NY D-I D-I
Rutgers 2/24/2025 valid Metro East Metro NY D-I D-I
Rutgers B 2/28/2025 valid Metro East Metro East Dev Dev
Sacred Heart Metro East Hudson Valley D-I D-III
Saint Louis South Central Ozarks D-I D-I
Salisbury 2/26/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Colonial D-I D-I
Sam Houston 3/3/2025 valid South Central South Texas D-I D-I
Samford 2/8/2025 pending Southeast Western Southeast D-III D-III
San Diego Southwest Southwest D-III D-III
San Diego State 2/10/2025 valid Southwest SoCal D-I D-I
San Diego State B 2/26/2025 valid Southwest Southwest Dev Dev
San Jose State 2/14/2025 valid Southwest NorCal D-I D-I
Santa Clara 2/19/2025 pending Southwest Nor Cal D-I D-I
Santa Clara B Southwest Southwest Dev Dev
Scranton 2/27/2025 valid Ohio Valley East Penn D-III D-III
Seattle 2/20/2025 valid Northwest Northwest D-III D-III
Shippensburg 2/13/2025 valid Ohio Valley West Penn D-Ill D-III
Siena 2/12/2025 valid Metro East Hudson Valley D-III D-III
Simon Fraser 1/21/2025 pending Northwest Northwest D-III D-III
Skidmore 2/18/2025 valid Metro East Hudson Valley D-III D-III
Slippery Rock 2/24/2025 valid Ohio Valley West Penn D-I D-I
South Carolina 1/27/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Carolina D-I D-I
South Carolina B 2/25/2025 pending Atlantic Coast Southern Atlantic Coast Dev Dev
South Florida 2/28/2025 pending Southeast Florida D-I D-I
South Florida B 2/28/2025 valid Southeast Southeast Dev Dev
Southern California 2/20/2025 valid Southwest SoCal D-I D-I
Southern California B 2/20/2025 valid Southwest Southwest Dev Dev
Southern Connecticut State 2/26/2025 pending Metro East Hudson Valley D-I D-I
Southern Illinois-Edwardsville Great Lakes Illinois D-I D-I
Southern Mississippi Southeast Gulf Coast D-I D-I
Spring Hill Southeast Southeast D-III D-III
St Augustine's Atlantic Coast Atlantic Coast D-III D-III
St John's (Minnesota) 2/21/2025 valid North Central Northwoods D-III D-III
St John's (New York) Metro East Metro NY D-I D-I
St Olaf 1/27/2025 valid North Central Northwoods D-III D-III
St Thomas 2/28/2025 valid North Central Northwoods D-III D-III
Stanford 1/23/2025 valid Southwest NorCal D-I D-I
Stanford B Southwest Southwest Dev Dev
Stephen F Austin 3/3/2025 pending South Central Texas D-I D-I
Stevens Tech 2/25/2025 valid Metro East Metro NY D-III D-III
Stevens Tech B Metro East Metro East Dev Dev
Stonehill 2/27/2025 valid New England Metro Boston D-III D-III
Sul Ross State South Central Texas D-III D-III
SUNY-Albany Metro East Hudson Valley D-I D-I
SUNY-Albany B Metro East Metro East Dev Dev
SUNY-Binghamton 2/20/2025 valid Metro East Western NY D-I D-I
SUNY-Binghamton B 2/24/2025 valid Metro East Metro East Dev Dev
SUNY-Buffalo 2/11/2025 pending Metro East Western NY D-I D-I
SUNY-Buffalo B 2/27/2025 pending Metro East Metro East Dev Dev
SUNY-Cortland Metro East Western NY D-III D-III
SUNY-Fredonia Metro East Western NY D-III D-III
SUNY-Geneseo Metro East Western NY D-III D-III
SUNY-Oneonta 2/28/2025 valid Metro East Western NY D-III D-III
SUNY-Stony Brook 2/27/2025 valid Metro East Metro NY D-I D-I
SUNY-Stony Brook B Metro East Metro East Dev Dev
Swarthmore 2/21/2025 valid Ohio Valley East Penn D-III D-III
Syracuse 2/6/2025 valid Metro East Western NY D-I D-I
Syracuse B Metro East Metro East Dev Dev
Tarleton State 2/28/2025 pending South Central North Texas D-I D-I
Temple 2/20/2025 pending Ohio Valley East Penn D-I D-I
Temple B Ohio Valley Ohio Valley Dev Dev
Tennessee 2/26/2025 valid Southeast Southern Appalachian D-I D-I
Tennessee Chattanooga Southeast Southern Appalachian D-I D-I
Texas 1/27/2025 pending South Central South Texas D-I D-I
Texas A&M 2/25/2025 pending South Central South Texas D-I D-I
Texas A&M B 2/25/2025 pending South Central South Texas D-I Dev
Texas B 2/27/2025 valid South Central South Texas D-I Dev
Texas Christian South Central North Texas D-I D-I
Texas State 2/27/2025 pending South Central South Texas D-I D-I
Texas Tech South Central North Texas D-I D-I
Texas-Arlington South Central North Texas D-I D-I
Texas-Dallas 2/27/2025 valid South Central North Texas D-I D-I
Texas-San Antonio South Central South Texas D-I D-I
Toledo 2/27/2025 valid Ohio Valley Ohio D-I D-I
Toronto 2/18/2025 valid Metro East Western NY D-I D-I
Towson 2/19/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Colonial D-I D-I
Trinity 1/27/2025 valid South Central Texas D-III D-III
Truman State 2/12/2025 valid South Central Northern South Central D-III D-III
Tufts 2/3/2025 valid New England Metro Boston D-I D-I
Tufts B 2/24/2025 valid New England Metro Boston Dev Dev
Tufts C 2/24/2025 valid New England Metro Boston Dev Dev
Tulane 2/25/2025 valid Southeast Gulf Coast D-I D-I
Tulane B Southeast Southeast Dev Dev
UCLA 2/20/2025 pending Southwest SoCal D-I D-I
UCLA B 2/25/2025 valid Southwest Southwest Dev Dev
Union (NY) Metro East Hudson Valley D-III D-III
Union (Tennessee) 1/22/2025 valid Southeast Western Southeast D-III D-III
Utah 2/21/2025 valid Northwest Big Sky D-I D-I
Utah State 2/28/2025 pending Northwest Big Sky D-I D-I
Utah Valley 2/28/2025 valid Northwest Big Sky D-I D-I
Valparaiso 2/26/2025 valid Great Lakes East Plains D-III D-III
Vanderbilt 2/21/2025 valid Southeast Gulf Coast D-I D-I
Vassar 2/12/2025 valid Metro East Hudson Valley D-III D-III
Vermont 2/24/2025 valid New England North New England D-I D-I
Vermont B 2/28/2025 valid New England Greater New England Dev Dev
Vermont C 2/28/2025 pending New England Greater New England Dev Dev
Victoria 2/14/2025 valid Northwest Cascadia D-I D-I
Villanova 2/27/2025 valid Ohio Valley East Penn D-I D-I
Virginia 1/9/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Virginia D-I D-I
Virginia B 3/1/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Southern Atlantic Coast Dev Dev
Virginia Commonwealth Atlantic Coast Virginia D-I D-I
Virginia Tech 2/5/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Virginia D-I D-I
Virginia Tech B 2/24/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Southern Atlantic Coast Dev Dev
Wake Forest 2/12/2025 pending Atlantic Coast Carolina D-I D-I
Washington 2/28/2025 valid Northwest Cascadia D-I D-I
Washington B Northwest Cascadia D-I Dev
Washington State Northwest Big Sky D-I D-I
Washington University 1/24/2025 valid South Central Ozarks D-I D-I
Washington University B 2/26/2025 pending South Central Ozarks D-I D-I
Waterloo Metro East Western NY D-I D-I
Wayne State North Central West Plains D-III D-III
Wentworth 2/19/2025 valid New England Metro Boston D-III D-III
Wesleyan 2/4/2025 valid Metro East Hudson Valley D-III D-III
Wesleyan B Metro East Metro East Dev Dev
West Chester Ohio Valley East Penn D-I D-I
West Chester B Ohio Valley Ohio Valley Dev Dev
West Virginia 1/10/2025 valid Ohio Valley West Penn D-I D-I
Western Michigan 2/27/2025 pending Great Lakes Michigan D-I D-I
Western New England 2/28/2025 valid New England South New England D-III D-III
Western Washington 3/3/2025 pending Northwest Cascadia D-I D-I
Wheaton (Illinois) 2/28/2025 pending Great Lakes Illinois D-III D-III
Whitman 2/28/2025 valid Northwest Northwest D-III D-III
Whitworth 2/26/2025 pending Northwest Northwest D-III D-III
Wichita State 2/27/2025 pending South Central Ozarks D-I D-I
Willamette Northwest Northwest D-III D-III
William & Mary 2/6/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Virginia D-I D-I
William & Mary B 2/24/2025 valid Atlantic Coast Southern Atlantic Coast Dev Dev
Williams 2/20/2025 valid New England South New England D-III D-III
Winona State 2/26/2025 valid North Central Northwoods D-III D-III
Wisconsin 2/5/2025 valid North Central Lake Superior D-I D-I
Wisconsin B 2/20/2025 valid North Central North Central Dev Dev
Wisconsin C 2/20/2025 valid North Central North Central Dev Dev
Wisconsin-Eau Claire 2/26/2025 valid North Central Lake Superior D-I D-I
Wisconsin-Eau Claire B 2/26/2025 valid North Central North Central Dev Dev
Wisconsin-La Crosse 2/19/2025 valid North Central Lake Superior D-I D-I
Wisconsin-Milwaukee 2/26/2025 pending North Central Lake Superior D-I D-I
Wisconsin-Milwaukee B 2/27/2025 valid North Central North Central Dev Dev
Wisconsin-Oshkosh North Central Lake Superior D-I D-I
Wisconsin-Platteville 2/24/2025 valid North Central Lake Superior D-III D-III
Wisconsin-Stevens Point 2/28/2025 pending North Central Lake Superior D-I D-I
Wisconsin-Stout North Central Lake Superior D-I D-I
Wisconsin-Whitewater North Central Lake Superior D-I D-I
Wooster 2/28/2025 valid Ohio Valley Ohio D-III D-III
Worcester Polytech 2/17/2025 valid New England South New England D-III D-III
Wright State 2/25/2025 valid Ohio Valley Ohio D-I D-I
Xavier 2/26/2025 valid Ohio Valley Ohio D-III D-III
Yale 1/15/2025 valid Metro East Hudson Valley D-I D-I

College Division Regions

*Canadian territories listed below

Delaware, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Washington D.C.

Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan

Connecticut, New Jersey, New York (+ Eastern Ontario)

Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont (+ New Brunswick, Newfoundland & Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Quebec)

Iowa, Michigan (U.P.), Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin (+ Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Western Ontario)

Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, Washington (+ Alberta, British Columbia)

Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia

Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, Wyoming

Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee

Arizona, California, Hawaii, New Mexico

College Contacts

Region Name Positon Phone
Matthew Bourland Manager, Competition & National Team Programs (719) 219-8322 x125
Jeff Kula National DI Men's Director
Beth Nakamura National DI Women's Director
Kevin Kula National DIII Men's Director
Grace Kiel National DIII Women's Director
Trois White National Developmental Director
Matthew Bourland College Eligibility Chair
Atlantic Coast Kevin Baker Men's Regional Director
Atlantic Coast Steve Kreider Women's Regional Director
Atlantic Coast Maya DeHart Women's Deputy Regional Director
Atlantic Coast Andy Routzahn Men's Deputy Regional Director
Atlantic Coast Nate Gath College Coordinator
Great Lakes Zakk Mabrey Men's Regional Director
Great Lakes Jacob Nuxoll Women's Regional Director
Great Lakes Joseph Cubitt Men's Deputy Regional Director
Great Lakes Hannah McCullough Women's Deputy Regional Director
Metro East Sam Harris Men's Regional Director
Metro East Amy Leder Women's Regional Director
Metro East Judah Hoffenberg Men's Deputy Regional Director
Metro East Rushda Chowdhury Women's Deputy Regional Director
New England Rebecca McSweeney Men's Regional Director
New England Grace Chen Women's Regional Director
New England Vacant Men's Deputy Regional Director
New England Ben Scharadin Women's Deputy Regional Director
North Central Scott Sawinski Men's Regional Director
North Central Nora Mitchell Women's Regional Director
North Central Vacant Men's Deputy Regional Director
North Central Glenn Poole Women's Deputy Regional Director
Northwest Jaclyn Wataoka Men's Regional Director
Northwest Alyssa Weatherford Women's Regional Director
Northwest Ben Whitenack Men's Deputy Regional Director
Northwest Rusty Brown Women's Deputy Regional Director
Ohio Valley Eric Johnson Men's Regional Director
Ohio Valley Steve Estes Women's Regional Director
Ohio Valley Vacant Men's Deputy Regional Director
Ohio Valley Vacant Women's Deputy Regional Director
South Central Calvin Lin Men's Regional Director
South Central Kristin Johnson Women's Regional Director
South Central Tommy Gebhardt Men's Deputy Regional Director
South Central Vacant Women's Deputy Regional Director
Southeast Dawson Archer Men's Regional Director
Southeast Dario Milano Women's Regional Director
Southeast Vacant Men's Deputy Regional Director
Southeast Vacant Women's Deputy Regional Director
Southwest CJ Sowards Men's Regional Director
Southwest Shannon Temple Women's Regional Director
Southwest Vacant Men's Deputy Regional Director
Southwest Vacant Women's Deputy Regional Director



Comprehensive guidelines outlining student-athlete eligibility for the college division.


Last Modified: 2023-11-14 16:41:33

Step-by-step instructions to creating a team in the USA Ultimate system.

Last Modified: 2020-12-11 20:05:42

Step-by-step guide to verifying a college roster.

Last Modified: 2021-09-01 17:50:41