Ultimate is a fun and exciting team sport that is growing all around the country. It combines the athleticism of running and quick changes of direction with the skill of throwing – the disc flies like nothing else.
It can be played on grass or sand or indoors! Teams usually play 7 versus 7, but ultimate can be played with smaller teams too: 5 v. 5, 4 v. 4, and 3 v. 3 are also common variations.
Ultimate is one of the fastest-growing team sports in America – because it’s so exciting! Plus, it’s a great way to make friends. Your teammates will be some of your favorite people.
What you see and what you say matters. In ultimate, mutual respect is what matters most. People make their own foul calls and talk through the outcome. Spirit of the Game sets the tone for everything that happens on the field.
First and foremost, ultimate is a community. The sport belongs to everyone, and everyone is welcome.
The Girls’ Ultimate Movement (GUM) works to increase girls’ participation in ultimate, while encouraging leadership, fair play, equity and inclusiveness.
The Startup Project offers free equipment, memberships, jerseys and more to new girls’ high school teams, helping support continued growth of the girls’ division.
New Start Grant Kits provide all the materials you need to help get a team up and running.